Hi Traders, Its quite a while since I have updated the blog but I always prefer in quality rather than quality to keep people updated and I have decided that From Now on I would update Eur/Usd chart twice in a week on daily and Hourly chart and that would be totally free and you just need to subscribe to the blog.
I have been asked so many times that why did not I start signal service, But my reply to all them who asked me for personal Mentorship or signal service would be "No". I always try and maintain a quality and keep things straight and simple as It is in really life and Trading is no different from Life as there is always discipline and patience to growing profit and confidence. As far as signal service is concerned, I never got to believe that If there is any benefit of Signals or If service provide is that good then why don't they just keep trading themselves and why they charge others while they are so good and that is why It is for me always a waste of time.
Forex One to One Mentorship
As far as Personal guidance is concerned, I don't think I have taken something hidden which I have not posted and Not been able to clear each and every point that is right in my knowledge and those who still want videos then Please subscribe to You tube channel to keep things more clarified. That is all I would like to mention to those who want to spend their hard earned money on learning something which is totally free and there is nothing that can be taught elsewhere because only thing that matters is you approach and If you are willing to succeed and Have right approach and Know your strengths then You are sure to succeed no matter how much time it takes you to finally get your niche.
Few Trade Setups