Friday, September 12, 2014

How to trade momentum and Find best trade locations

Best trade locations for best setups

While We prepare ourselves to chose what type of trader we are, We should prepare for Momentum trading Even for scalping or Swing trading. And when We decided We should use some strong points which cover the strong segments of "Momentum Trading".

Even though Imbalance is not present in the market, It still can continue its previous day activity, And we should be in search for this type of trade locations where Price has retraced of the prior move and Look for momentum to come again and continue moving in the prior trend before correction.

Example of Momentum trading

For next few days, As I have always done to cover the points which we need to be aware while we trade Momentum trading and above chart is the first example, But still if you trade Neutral days after breakout. You can still trade Momentum for continuation or reversals.

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