
Monday, March 21, 2016

Can you really trade forex for a living l

Trade for a Living Truth Behind it

The question people ask me most often is, not surprisingly, “Can I be successful at this?” Mostly, they ask me the question after a devastating loss. It’s a natural time to ask the question, but it’s a horrible time to answer it yourself.

Why? Because you can be successful, and every time you start to feel depressed about losing, you stop believing in yourself. If you stop believing in yourself, you stop working as hard, and if you stop working as hard, you start to make more mistakes, and a vicious cycle begins. Losses bring depression which brings more losses, and then before you know it you’ve lost your entire first account.

You don’t have to trade that way. There is a better way to trade.

I trade currency for a living, and so can you. Maybe it will take you more than a year to become successful.
Maybe more. But you can do it. You don’t have to be better than most people at math. You don’t have to score high on an IQ test. You don’t have to be the smartest person you know.You just have to be disciplined.

Come Into My Trading Bathroom

When you read a book by Alexander Elder, he invites you into “his trading room.” When you come into my trading room, you’re really coming into the bathroom. In fact, the subtitle of this introduction ought to be: A Complete Guide to Flushing Your Profits Down the Toilet.

I learned how to trade the hard way. By losing. Over and over. Think of a stupid mistake that traders make: I made that one. Think of another one: I made that one too. Only by keeping excellent records, staying determined, and learning from my mistakes was I able to being to trade profitably on a consistent basis. But along the way I learned that if you would rather flush your profits down the toilet, you should do the following things:

1. Trade as much as possible. Trade all the time.
2. Never close a losing trade.
3. Always close a winning trade as quickly as possible.
4. Never test a trading system. Trade it live ASAP

Let's talk about Euro Dollar Trade.

We might not see 1.1325 again before we see 1.1090 area. Check the chart and post your views in the comment section below.

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