
Friday, August 01, 2014

Update of Eur/cad chart Shift in value test and Rise

Rise In Eur/cad as posted In my previous post

Take a Look at the Update Eur/cad Chart

Check My previous post here
Risk reward ratio, high probability trades,Trade with naked eye, Intraday technical, risk management

As I mentioned in my previous chart that rise is eur/cad is on the cards as it happens when in strong trend value again shift with momentum and price tested the area and more aggression was shown.

Forex trading is all about opportunities and when you are provided with one You should be looking for reward and when price tested the broken high or low then when it shows aggression, It makes sure that there could be more to come and that is what really give you time to calculate your risk (Its almost impossible to calculate your risks in trading)

Opportunities are multiple but less optimistic

That's so true, there is no point in looking at historical chart and keep forcing yourself of an entry when it does not exist at all, It should be a part of our "Forex Strategies" plan that what are our strengths and what type of market we prefer rather than try to trade every opportunity available, selective approach always pays.

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